Dissection n Dissection "Dissection" messageSonore() enterBackground enterBackground Dissection messageSonore Dissection color 0,0,0 DISSECTION C273031 :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE Incitation Please make a selection..nnnn your selectionn Quitter tbkMMNotify Quitter tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify (VQuitter tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify Retour tbkMMNotify Retour tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify 'Retour Ou suis-je? tbkMMNotify OuSuisJe tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify OuSuisJe Where am I ? Navigation Quiz Vue anterieure buccale Dissection 4vasy, pageNo "Menu" afficheAP "P,C273031" Group ("Page" && B"suivant" sysLockSreen B"Precedent" terPage leavepage enterPage buttonUp enterPage page # =oafficheAP P,C273031 suivant pageNo leavepage Precedent affiche =oafficheAP pageNo sysLockSreen buttonUp affiche "p;0D OVPdQ^R Suivant tbkMMNotify 4pageNo B"Precedent" Group ("Page" && B"Suivant" affiche tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify Precedent page # Suivant affiche pageNo Precedent tbkMMNotify 4pageNo B"Suivant" Group ("Page" && B"Precedent" affiche tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify Suivant page # Precedent affiche pageNo Previous page of 3 iques Page of 3 ulls on the left: One is an Adult skull, the second one is a Fetal skull (six months intra-uterine). Note the proportions of the three levels of the face on both skulls: Upper face (Frontal region) Middle face (Maxilla) Lower face (Mandible) With the emergence of primary & permanent dentition, and the development of maxillary sinuses & alveolar processes, the vertical dimension of the face increases.increases....... On the adult skull, the three foramina: supraorbital, infra-orbital and mental are for the emergence of the three branches of the Trigeminal Nerve. 1) Supra-orbital: Ophtalmic Nerve- V1. 2) Infra-orbital: Maxillary Nerve - V2. 3) Mental: Mandibulaire Nerve - V3. Note that these three nerves emerge to the surface of the face, along the same vertical line. ths intra-uterine). Note the proportions of the three levels of the face on both skulls: Lower face (Mandible) Middle face (Maxilla) Upper face (Frontal region) With the emergence of primary & permanent dentition, and the development of maxillary sinuses & alveolar processes, the vertical dimension of the face increases. On the adult skull, the three fora-mina: supra-orbital, infra-orbital and mental are for the emergence of the three branches of the Trigeminal Nerve. 1) Supra-orbital: Ophtalmic Nerve- V1. 2) Infra-orbital: Maxillary Nerve - V2. 3) Mental: Mandibulaire Nerve - V3. Note that these three nerves emerge to the surface of the face, along the same vertical line. Compare the two skulls on the left: One is an Adult skull, the second one is a Fetal skull (six months intra-uterine). Note the proportions of the three levels of the face on both skulls: Lower face (Mandible) Middle face (Maxilla) Upper face (Frontal region) With the emergence of primary & permanent dentition, and the development of maxillary sinuses & alveolar processes, the vertical dimension of the face increases. On the adult skull, the three fora-mina: supra-orbital, infra-orbital and mental are for the emergence of the three branches of the Trigeminal Nerve. 1) Supra-orbital: Ophtalmic Nerve- V1. 2) Infra-orbital: Maxillary Nerve - V2. 3) Mental: Mandibulaire Nerve - V3. Note that these three nerves emerge to the surface of the face, along the same vertical line. Compare the two skulls on the left : One is an Adult skull, the second one is a Fetal skull (six months intra-uterine). Note the proportions of the three levels of the face on both skulls : Lower face (Mandible) Middle face (Maxilla) Upper face (frontal region) With the emergence of primary & permanent dentition, and the development of maxillary sinuses & alveolar processes, the vertical dimension of the face increases. On the adult skull, the three foramina: Supra-orbital, infra-orbital and mental are for the emergence of the three branches of the Trigeminal Nerve. 1) Supra-orbital [Pphtalmic Nerve -V1] 2) Infra-orbital [Maxillary Nerve -V2] 3) Mental [Mandibulaire Nerve -V3] Note that these three nerves emerge to the surface of the face, along the same vertical line. page # Titre Introduction Compare the two skulls on the left: One is an Adult skull, the second one is a Fetal skull (six months intra-uterine). Note the proportions of the three levels of the face on both skulls: Upper face (Frontal region) Middle face (Maxilla) Lower face (Mandible) With the emergence of primary & permanent dentition, and the development of maxillary sinuses & alveolar processes, the vertical dimension of the face increases.increases....... On the adult skull, the three foramina: supraorbital, infra-orbital and mental are for the emergence of the three branches of the Trigeminal Nerve. 1) Supra-orbital: Ophtalmic Nerve- V1. 2) Infra-orbital: Maxillary Nerve - V2. 3) Mental: Mandibulaire Nerve - V3. Note that these three nerves emerge to the surface of the face, along the same vertical line. ths intra-uterine). Note the proportions of the three levels of the face on both skulls: Lower face (Mandible) Middle face (Maxilla) Upper face (Frontal region) With the emergence of primary & permanent dentition, and the development of maxillary sinuses & alveolar processes, the vertical dimension of the face increases. On the adult skull, the three fora-mina: supra-orbital, infra-orbital and mental are for the emergence of the three branches of the Trigeminal Nerve. 1) Supra-orbital: Ophtalmic Nerve- V1. 2) Infra-orbital: Maxillary Nerve - V2. 3) Mental: Mandibulaire Nerve - V3. Note that these three nerves emerge to the surface of the face, along the same vertical line. Compare the two skulls on the left: One is an Adult skull, the second one is a Fetal skull (six months intra-uterine). Note the proportions of the three levels of the face on both skulls: Lower face (Mandible) Middle face (Maxilla) Upper face (Frontal region) With the emergence of primary & permanent dentition, and the development of maxillary sinuses & alveolar processes, the vertical dimension of the face increases. On the adult skull, the three fora-mina: supra-orbital, infra-orbital and mental are for the emergence of the three branches of the Trigeminal Nerve. 1) Supra-orbital: Ophtalmic Nerve- V1. 2) Infra-orbital: Maxillary Nerve - V2. 3) Mental: Mandibulaire Nerve - V3. Note that these three nerves emerge to the surface of the face, along the same vertical line. Compare the two skulls on the left : One is an Adult skull, the second one is a Fetal skull (six months intra-uterine). Note the proportions of the three levels of the face on both skulls : Lower face (Mandible) Middle face (Maxilla) Upper face (frontal region) With the emergence of primary & permanent dentition, and the development of maxillary sinuses & alveolar processes, the vertical dimension of the face increases. On the adult skull, the three foramina: Supra-orbital, infra-orbital and mental are for the emergence of the three branches of the Trigeminal Nerve. 1) Supra-orbital [Pphtalmic Nerve -V1] 2) Infra-orbital [Maxillary Nerve -V2] 3) Mental [Mandibulaire Nerve -V3] Note that these three nerves emerge to the surface of the face, along the same vertical line. PAGE 1 page 1 Located on this diagram, is the Trigeminal Ganglion. The three branches of the Trigeminal Nerve are the following: 1) Ophtalmic (exits through the superior orbital fissure) 2) Maxillary (exits through the foramen rotundum) 3) Mandibular (exits through the foramen ovale) Outside of the foramen ovale, the mandibular nerve subdivides into the: 1) Anterior Division, which separates into motor fibres (for the masticatory muscles) and the buccal branch (the sensory fibres of the buccinator muscle). 2) Posterior Division with its 3 branches : Lingual, Inferior Alveolar (dental) and Auriculo-Temporal. rior alveolar nerve (from the posterior branch), gives off the Mylo-hyoid Nerve. This is the motor nerve for the mylo-hyoid muscle and the anterior belly of the digastrique. Further up, the lingual nerve receives the Chorda Tympani branch from the facial nerve. This is the nerve responsible for the taste of the anterior 2/3 of the tongue, as well as the secretion of the sublingual and submandibular salivary glands. At the level of the mental foramen, the inferior alveolar nerve forms a "Y", and gives off its terminal branches: mental and incisive. Auriculo-Temporal Nerve The auriculo-temporal nerve is the sensory nerve for the skin of the temporal region, TMJ capsule, the parotid gland and the external ear. Its origin is from the posterior division of the mandibular nerve. Its roots embrace the middle meningeal artery. An injection, too far above the level of the lingula, anaesthetizes the skin of the temporal region, without any effect on the mandibular teeth..th..ar teeth..mandibular teeth. I,Dentaire 78Mdg tbkMMNotify affiche 37 -- curseur "HotWord" 1 -- !fleche" tbkMMNotify mouseEnter mouseLeave tbkMMNotify affiche mouseEnter mouseLeave I,Ganglion de Gasser tbkMMNotify affiche 37 -- curseur "HotWord" 1 -- !fleche" tbkMMNotify mouseEnter mouseLeave tbkMMNotify affiche mouseEnter mouseLeave I,Ophtalmique tbkMMNotify affiche 37 -- curseur "HotWord" 1 -- !fleche" tbkMMNotify mouseEnter mouseLeave tbkMMNotify affiche mouseEnter mouseLeave I,Maxilaire 62Ed_ tbkMMNotify affiche 37 -- curseur "HotWord" 1 -- !fleche" tbkMMNotify mouseEnter mouseLeave tbkMMNotify affiche mouseEnter mouseLeave I,Mandibulaire tbkMMNotify affiche 37 -- curseur "HotWord" 1 -- !fleche" tbkMMNotify mouseEnter mouseLeave tbkMMNotify affiche mouseEnter mouseLeave I,Division anterieure tbkMMNotify affiche 37 -- curseur "HotWord" 1 -- !fleche" tbkMMNotify mouseEnter mouseLeave tbkMMNotify affiche mouseEnter mouseLeave I,Division posterieure 77'df tbkMMNotify affiche 37 -- curseur "HotWord" 1 -- !fleche" tbkMMNotify mouseEnter mouseLeave tbkMMNotify affiche mouseEnter mouseLeave I,Branche motrice tbkMMNotify affiche 37 -- curseur "HotWord" 1 -- !fleche" tbkMMNotify mouseEnter mouseLeave tbkMMNotify affiche mouseEnter mouseLeave I,Nerf buccal 74Qde tbkMMNotify affiche 37 -- curseur "HotWord" 1 -- !fleche" tbkMMNotify mouseEnter mouseLeave tbkMMNotify affiche mouseEnter mouseLeave I,Linguale tbkMMNotify affiche 37 -- curseur "HotWord" 1 -- !fleche" tbkMMNotify mouseEnter mouseLeave tbkMMNotify affiche mouseEnter mouseLeave I,Auriculo-temporale tbkMMNotify affiche 37 -- curseur "HotWord" 1 -- !fleche" tbkMMNotify mouseEnter mouseLeave tbkMMNotify affiche mouseEnter mouseLeave page 3 The auriculo-temporal nerve is the sensory nerve for the skin of the temporal region, the TMJ capsule, the parotid gland and the external ear. It originates in the posterior division of the mandibular nerve. Its roots embrace the middle meningeal artery. An injection placed too high above the level of the lingula will anaesthetizes the skin of the temporal region through this nerve, leaving the mandibular teeth unaffected. Such an injection will fail and have to be redone...l of the mental foramen, the inferior alveolar nerve forms a "Y", and gives off its terminal branches: mental and incisive. Auriculo-Temporal Nerve The auriculo-temporal nerve is the sensory nerve for the skin of the temporal region, TMJ capsule, the parotid gland and the external ear. Its origin is from the posterior division of the mandibular nerve. Its roots embrace the middle meningeal artery. An injection, too far above the level of the lingula, anaesthetizes the skin of the temporal region, without any effect on the mandibular teeth.bmandibular salivary glands. At the level of the mental foramen, the inferior alveolar nerve forms a "Y", and gives off its terminal branches: mental and incisive. Auriculo-Temporal Nerve The auriculo-temporal nerve is the sensory nerve for the skin of the temporal region, TMJ capsule, the parotid gland and the external ear. Its origin is from the posterior division of the mandibular nerve. Its roots embrace the middle meningeal artery. An injection, too far above the level of the lingula, anaesthetizes the skin of the temporal region, without any effect on the mandibular teeth..th..ar teeth..mandibular teeth. I,Auriculo-temporale ;3#dr tbkMMNotify affiche 37 -- curseur "HotWord" 1 -- !fleche" tbkMMNotify mouseEnter mouseLeave tbkMMNotify affiche mouseEnter mouseLeave Ganglion de Gasser Ophtalmique Maxilaire Division Anterieure Branche motrice Nerf buccal Mandibulaire Division posterieure Linguale Dentaire Auriculo-temporale Branche mylohyoidienne Corde du tympan Mentonnier Incisif Ganglion de Gasser +!Tb tbkMMNotify message( "demo" ) tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify message Trigeminal Ganglion Divisions tbkMMNotify message( "demo" ) tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify message Divisions PAGE 2 Just before entering the mandibular canal, the inferior alveolar nerve (from the posterior branch), gives off the Mylo-hyoid Nerve. This is the motor nerve for the mylo-hyoid muscle and the anterior belly of the digastrique. Further up, the lingual nerve receives the Chorda Tympani branch. This is the nerve responsible for the taste of the anterior 2/3's of the tongue, as well as the secretion of the sublingual and submandibular salivary glands. At the level of the mental foramen, the inferior alveolar nerve forms a "Y", separating into its terminal branches: mental and incisive. nd incisive. Auriculo-Temporal Nerve The auriculo-temporal nerve is the sensory nerve for the skin of the temporal region, TMJ capsule, the parotid gland and the external ear. Its origin is from the posterior division of the mandibular nerve. Its roots embrace the middle meningeal artery. An injection, too far above the level of the lingula, anaesthetizes the skin of the temporal region, without any effect on the mandibular teeth.bmandibular salivary glands. At the level of the mental foramen, the inferior alveolar nerve forms a "Y", and gives off its terminal branches: mental and incisive. Auriculo-Temporal Nerve The auriculo-temporal nerve is the sensory nerve for the skin of the temporal region, TMJ capsule, the parotid gland and the external ear. Its origin is from the posterior division of the mandibular nerve. Its roots embrace the middle meningeal artery. An injection, too far above the level of the lingula, anaesthetizes the skin of the temporal region, without any effect on the mandibular teeth..th..ar teeth..mandibular teeth. I,Branche mylohyoidienne tbkMMNotify affiche 37 -- curseur "HotWord" 1 -- !fleche" tbkMMNotify mouseEnter mouseLeave tbkMMNotify affiche mouseEnter mouseLeave ^Rr[> I,Corde du tympan tbkMMNotify affiche 37 -- curseur "HotWord" 1 -- !fleche" tbkMMNotify mouseEnter mouseLeave tbkMMNotify affiche mouseEnter mouseLeave I,Mentonnier tbkMMNotify affiche 37 -- curseur "HotWord" 1 -- !fleche" tbkMMNotify mouseEnter mouseLeave tbkMMNotify affiche mouseEnter mouseLeave ^Rn^> I,Incisif tbkMMNotify affiche 37 -- curseur "HotWord" 1 -- !fleche" tbkMMNotify mouseEnter mouseLeave tbkMMNotify affiche mouseEnter mouseLeave I,Corde du tympan tbkMMNotify affiche 37 -- curseur "HotWord" 1 -- !fleche" tbkMMNotify mouseEnter mouseLeave tbkMMNotify affiche mouseEnter mouseLeave Clinique Quiz E & Q tbkMMNotify 4pageQuiz "Aide tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify Aide Quiz pageQuiz Retour tbkMMNotify 4QPactuel,typeQuiz,derniereQuestion "Entrainement" ReponseALa( "Description "You did xcomplete the questionnaire."& "Are you sure want stop now?" f"Yes" Questionnaire" tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify Entrainement ReponseALa Description Entrainement You did not complete the questionnaire. Are you sure you want to stop now? ReponseALa Description Questionnaire QPactuel typeQuiz derniereQuestion Ou suis-je? tbkMMNotify 4QPactuel, styleLigne, vasy QPActuel "Navigation Quiz" tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify QPActuel QPActuel QPActuel QPActuel Navigation Quiz QPactuel styleLigne Where am I ? Entrainement Training: Questionnaire Questionnaire: Compare the two skulls on the left: One is an Adult skull, the second one is a Fetal skull (six months intra-uterine). Note the proportions of the three levels of the face on both skulls: Upper face (Frontal region) Middle face (Maxilla) Lower face (Mandible) With the emergence of primary & permanent dentition, and the development of maxillary sinuses & alveolar processes, the vertical dimension of the face increases.increases....... On the adult skull, the three foramina: supraorbital, infra-orbital and mental are for the emergence of the three branches of the Trigeminal Nerve. 1) Supra-orbital: Ophtalmic Nerve- V1. 2) Infra-orbital: Maxillary Nerve - V2. 3) Mental: Mandibulaire Nerve - V3. Note that these three nerves emerge to the surface of the face, along the same vertical line. ths intra-uterine). Note the proportions of the three levels of the face on both skulls: Lower face (Mandible) Middle face (Maxilla) Upper face (Frontal region) With the emergence of primary & permanent dentition, and the development of maxillary sinuses & alveolar processes, the vertical dimension of the face increases. On the adult skull, the three fora-mina: supra-orbital, infra-orbital and mental are for the emergence of the three branches of the Trigeminal Nerve. 1) Supra-orbital: Ophtalmic Nerve- V1. 2) Infra-orbital: Maxillary Nerve - V2. 3) Mental: Mandibulaire Nerve - V3. Note that these three nerves emerge to the surface of the face, along the same vertical line. Compare the two skulls on the left: One is an Adult skull, the second one is a Fetal skull (six months intra-uterine). Note the proportions of the three levels of the face on both skulls: Lower face (Mandible) Middle face (Maxilla) Upper face (Frontal region) With the emergence of primary & permanent dentition, and the development of maxillary sinuses & alveolar processes, the vertical dimension of the face increases. On the adult skull, the three fora-mina: supra-orbital, infra-orbital and mental are for the emergence of the three branches of the Trigeminal Nerve. 1) Supra-orbital: Ophtalmic Nerve- V1. 2) Infra-orbital: Maxillary Nerve - V2. 3) Mental: Mandibulaire Nerve - V3. Note that these three nerves emerge to the surface of the face, along the same vertical line. Compare the two skulls on the left : One is an Adult skull, the second one is a Fetal skull (six months intra-uterine). Note the proportions of the three levels of the face on both skulls : Lower face (Mandible) Middle face (Maxilla) Upper face (frontal region) With the emergence of primary & permanent dentition, and the development of maxillary sinuses & alveolar processes, the vertical dimension of the face increases. On the adult skull, the three foramina: Supra-orbital, infra-orbital and mental are for the emergence of the three branches of the Trigeminal Nerve. 1) Supra-orbital [Pphtalmic Nerve -V1] 2) Infra-orbital [Maxillary Nerve -V2] 3) Mental [Mandibulaire Nerve -V3] Note that these three nerves emerge to the surface of the face, along the same vertical line. Desole 1 Incorrect! Try again....ain. $ G"A Desole 2 Sorry! No more chances...ce. Bonne reponse Good answer!!!swer! .......in. Prochaine question tbkMMNotify 4QPactuel,scriptActif,derniereQuestion B"Prochaine question" poseQuestionHazard ReponseALa( /"Quiz E & Q" "Felicitations" tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify Prochaine question ?FposeQuestionHazard Quiz E & Q ReponseALa Felicitations QPactuel scriptActif derniereQuestion Next question bouton Droit -- Red finie la nouvelle si le bouton est d moved oorigines place le graphique et inverse le cquand la souris ncliqu oboutonPresse -- Place la fl che en originale. 4cible -- Passe la question suivante. tbkMMNotify poseQuestionSuivante message( "demo" ) a propri n fonction -- du param tre etatPresse qui peut vrai ou faux. H15,15 moved buttonUp buttonDown tbkMMNotify boutonPresse moved origines buttonDown boutonPresse buttonUp boutonPresse cible tbkMMNotify poseQuestionSuivante message boutonPresse origines etatPresse #origines 5520,4920 bouton Gauche -- Red finie la nouvelle si le bouton est d moved oorigines place le graphique et inverse le cquand la souris ncliqu oboutonPresse -- Place la fl che en originale. 4cible -- Revient la question pr dente. tbkMMNotify poseQuestionPrecedente a propri n fonction -- du param tre etatPresse qui peut vrai ou faux. H15,15 moved buttonUp buttonDown tbkMMNotify boutonPresse moved origines buttonDown boutonPresse buttonUp boutonPresse cible tbkMMNotify poseQuestionPrecedente boutonPresse origines etatPresse -origines 5520,4920 Score 4 / 9 928 x'P'u' 44.4 %on Total:on #: Total:::::1er essai: Justes au 2e essai: Mauvaise(s): Total:::::::: Question #: Total:::::1er essai: Justes au 2e essai: Mauvaise(s): Total:::::::: unanswered questionseeseeeeeeeeduejustes au 1er essai ponses justes au 2e essai mauvaises r ponses good answers on 1st tryessai ponses justes au 2e essai mauvaises r ponsessssai mauvaises r ponses good answers on 2nd tryaiaii mauvaises r ponses essai ponses justes au 2e essai mauvaises r ponses wrong answersonses 4980,4920 "Quiz" messageSonore() enterBackground enterBackground messageSonore Quitter tbkMMNotify Quitter tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify (VQuitter tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify Retour tbkMMNotify Retour tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify 'Retour Ou suis-je? tbkMMNotify OuSuisJe tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify OuSuisJe Where am I ? 4vasy "Menu" enterPage enterPage DISSECTION This section contains 68 questions based on 10 images. You can either train yourself by choosing the questions you wish to answer; Or you may take the questionnaire, which asks the same questions in a random order until there are none left.. Description entrainement tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify Training Description questionnaire tbkMMNotify message( "demo" ) tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify message Questionnaire score 4Langue "E1" "E2" "E3" langue "Fran tE1a ponse juste au 1er essai" tE1b ponses justes au 1er tE2a tE2b tE3a "mauvaise r tE3b "mauvaises r "question non r pondue" "questions pondues" "good answer on 1st try" s on 1st 12nd As on 2nd "wrong answers" "unanswered Q = 0 "E1" "E2" "E3" E1 < 2; "tE1" E2 < 2; "tE2" E3 < 2; "tE3" < 2; score score langue ponse juste au 1er essai ponses justes au 1er essai ponse juste au 2e essai ponses justes au 2e essai mauvaise r ponse mauvaises r ponses question non r pondue questions non r pondues good answer on 1st try good answers on 1st try good answer on 2nd try good answers on 2nd try wrong answer wrong answers unanswered question unanswered questions Langue Division Posterieure Branche Buccale 2 Description entrainement Aide Quiz 4typeQuiz "Entrainement,Questionnaire" enterPage leavePage enterPage Entrainement,Questionnaire typeQuiz leavePage Entrainement,Questionnaire typeQuiz Retour tbkMMNotify 4pageQuiz tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify pageQuiz Entrainement TRAINING on the QUIZ In preparation for the questionnaire, 10 images will be presented to you with 6 to 8 questions each. You will be asked to identifiy a specified region in each image by clicking on the corresponding answer in the list shown on the right. You will be given 2 opportunities to respond, after which the correct answer will be given to you. * If your first answer is correct: +1 point * If your first answer is incorrect: 0 point * If your second answer is correct: +0.5 point * If your second answer is incorrect: -0.5 point Results are compiled automatically beneath the picture. You can navigate through this section as you wish, return to any questions, or go directly to a specific section using the "Where am I?" button.. Questionnaire QUESTIONNAIRE section of the QUIZ 10 images will be presented to you with 6 to 10 questions each: A total of 68 questions will be asked in a random order. You will be asked to identifiy a region specified on each image by clicking on the corresponding answer in the list shown on the right. You will be given 2 opportunities to respond before the good answer is given to you. * If your first answer is correct: +1 point * If your first answer is incorrect: 0 point * If your second answer is correct: +0.5 point * If your second answer is incorrect: -0.5 point Results are compiled automatically beneath the picture. You will be allowed to print a report of your score but only if all 68 questions of the questionnaire are completed.stionnaire are completed.... Quitter nterPage enterPage buttonUp enterPage buttonUp noCurs For information about this document: Click on the mouse to exit Universit de Montr Faculty of Dentistry Dr. A. Demirjian 2900 douard-Montpetit P.O. Box 6128, Station A Montr al (Qu H3C 3J7 Tel.: (514)-343-6072 Fax.: (514)-343-2233 Bitnet: multimed@medent.umontreal.ca AppleLink: CDA09566 :PHYSSIZE Transition 2 322&Z 4vasy "Quitter" langue "Fran moire insuffisante pour proc der..." f"Retour au Menu" "Sorry! Not enough memory proceed..." f"Return enterPage enterPage Quitter langue moire insuffisante pour proc der... Retour au Menu Sorry! Not enough memory to proceed... Return to Menu Description entrainement 4vasy "Quiz" enterPage enterPage tbkMMNotify initQuizEntrainement E & Q" tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify initQuizEntrainement Quiz E & Q Start TRAINING In preparation for the questionnaire, 10 images will be presented to you with 6 to 8 questions each. You will be asked to identifiy a specified region in each image by clicking on the corresponding answer in the list shown on the right. You will be given 2 opportunities to respond, after which the correct answer will be given to you. * If your first answer is correct: +1 point * If your first answer is incorrect: 0 point * If your second answer is correct: +0.5 point * If your second answer is incorrect: -0.5 point Results are compiled automatically beneath the picture. You can navigate through this section as you wish, return to previous questions, or go directly to a specific section using the "Where am I?" button.. Debuter entrainement Region jugale :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE Muscle pterygoidien interne Os zygomatique Nerf dentaire inferieur Nerf lingual Nerf mylohyoidien Nerf mylohyoidien Nerf mylohyoidien Titre Facial Region Identify this structure Mylo-hyoid Nerve Orbicularis Oris Muscle Mandible Zygomatic Bone Inferior Alveolar Nerve Temporal Muscle Lingual Nerve Buccinator Muscle Buccal Nerve Medial Pterygoid Muscle Masseter Muscle Auriculo Temporal NerveAuriculo Temporal Nerveee Nerf mylohyoidien tbkMMNotify mettreAJour( tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify mettreAJour Muscle orbiculaire tbkMMNotify mettreAJour( tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify mettreAJour Mandibule tbkMMNotify mettreAJour( tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify mettreAJour borderline Os zygomatique tbkMMNotify mettreAJour( tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify mettreAJour Nerf dentaire inferieur tbkMMNotify mettreAJour( tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify mettreAJour Muscle temporal tbkMMNotify mettreAJour( tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify mettreAJour Nerf lingual tbkMMNotify mettreAJour( tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify mettreAJour Muscle buccinateur tbkMMNotify mettreAJour( tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify mettreAJour Nerf buccal tbkMMNotify mettreAJour( tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify mettreAJour Muscle Pterygoidien interne tbkMMNotify mettreAJour( tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify mettreAJour Muscle masseter tbkMMNotify mettreAJour( tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify mettreAJour Nerf auriculo temporal tbkMMNotify mettreAJour( tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify mettreAJour Muscle temporal Muscle masseter Muscle buccinateur Muscle orbiculaire Mandibule |l[D|CCP0 Transition AP Clinique Injections Quiz E & Q Ou suis-je ? Complications 4 Transition 2 Causes d'echecs Region jugale CE intrabuccal ramus Clinique 4vasy "Menu" afficheAP sysScreenLock terPage leavepage enterPage buttonUp enterPage =oafficheAP leavepage affiche sysScreenLock buttonUp affiche Introduction Clinique Texte Anaesthetized nerves - inferior dental - incisive & mental branch - lingual (if necessary) Anaesthetized areas All mandibular teeth (unilateral) - mucosa and periostium, anterior to the 1st Molar - lingual mucosa and periostium - anterior 2/3's of the tongue - floor of the mouth Indications - surgical procedures on the quadrant - exodontia of the molars - surgical extraction of impacted teetheethhhhhhhhhhh three fora-mina: supra- orbital, infra-orbital and mental are for the emergence of the three branches of the Trigeminal Nerve. 1) Supra-orbital: Ophtalmic Nerve- V1. 2) Infra-orbital: Maxillary Nerve - V2. 3) Mental: Mandibulaire Nerve - V3. Note that these three nerves emerge to the surface of the face, along the same vertical line. e the two skulls on the left: One is an Adult skull, the second one is a Fetal skull (six months intra-uterine). Note the proportions of the three levels of the face on both skulls: Lower face (Mandible) Middle face (Maxilla) Upper face (Frontal region) With the emergence of primary & permanent dentition, and the development of maxillary sinuses & alveolar processes, the vertical dimension of the face increases. On the adult skull, the three fora-mina: supra-orbital, infra-orbital and mental are for the emergence of the three branches of the Trigeminal Nerve. 1) Supra-orbital: Ophtalmic Nerve- V1. 2) Infra-orbital: Maxillary Nerve - V2. 3) Mental: Mandibulaire Nerve - V3. Note that these three nerves emerge to the surface of the face, along the same vertical line. Compare the two skulls on the left: One is an Adult skull, the second one is a Fetal skull (six months intra-uterine). Note the proportions of the three levels of the face on both skulls: Lower face (Mandible) Middle face (Maxilla) Upper face (Frontal region) With the emergence of primary & permanent dentition, and the development of maxillary sinuses & alveolar processes, the vertical dimension of the face increases. On the adult skull, the three fora-mina: supra-orbital, infra-orbital and mental are for the emergence of the three branches of the Trigeminal Nerve. 1) Supra-orbital: Ophtalmic Nerve- V1. 2) Infra-orbital: Maxillary Nerve - V2. 3) Mental: Mandibulaire Nerve - V3. Note that these three nerves emerge to the surface of the face, along the same vertical line. Compare the two skulls on the left : One is an Adult skull, the second one is a Fetal skull (six months intra-uterine). Note the proportions of the three levels of the face on both skulls : Lower face (Mandible) Middle face (Maxilla) Upper face (frontal region) With the emergence of primary & permanent dentition, and the development of maxillary sinuses & alveolar processes, the vertical dimension of the face increases. On the adult skull, the three foramina: Supra-orbital, infra-orbital and mental are for the emergence of the three branches of the Trigeminal Nerve. 1) Supra-orbital [Pphtalmic Nerve -V1] 2) Infra-orbital [Maxillary Nerve -V2] 3) Mental [Mandibulaire Nerve -V3] Note that these three nerves emerge to the surface of the face, along the same vertical line. Titre Introductionn Compare the two skulls on the left: One is an Adult skull, the second one is a Fetal skull (six months intra-uterine). Note the proportions of the three levels of the face on both skulls: Upper face (Frontal region) Middle face (Maxilla) Lower face (Mandible) With the emergence of primary & permanent dentition, and the development of maxillary sinuses & alveolar processes, the vertical dimension of the face increases.increases....... On the adult skull, the three foramina: supraorbital, infra-orbital and mental are for the emergence of the three branches of the Trigeminal Nerve. 1) Supra-orbital: Ophtalmic Nerve- V1. 2) Infra-orbital: Maxillary Nerve - V2. 3) Mental: Mandibulaire Nerve - V3. Note that these three nerves emerge to the surface of the face, along the same vertical line. ths intra-uterine). Note the proportions of the three levels of the face on both skulls: Lower face (Mandible) Middle face (Maxilla) Upper face (Frontal region) With the emergence of primary & permanent dentition, and the development of maxillary sinuses & alveolar processes, the vertical dimension of the face increases. On the adult skull, the three fora-mina: supra-orbital, infra-orbital and mental are for the emergence of the three branches of the Trigeminal Nerve. 1) Supra-orbital: Ophtalmic Nerve- V1. 2) Infra-orbital: Maxillary Nerve - V2. 3) Mental: Mandibulaire Nerve - V3. Note that these three nerves emerge to the surface of the face, along the same vertical line. Compare the two skulls on the left: One is an Adult skull, the second one is a Fetal skull (six months intra-uterine). Note the proportions of the three levels of the face on both skulls: Lower face (Mandible) Middle face (Maxilla) Upper face (Frontal region) With the emergence of primary & permanent dentition, and the development of maxillary sinuses & alveolar processes, the vertical dimension of the face increases. On the adult skull, the three fora-mina: supra-orbital, infra-orbital and mental are for the emergence of the three branches of the Trigeminal Nerve. 1) Supra-orbital: Ophtalmic Nerve- V1. 2) Infra-orbital: Maxillary Nerve - V2. 3) Mental: Mandibulaire Nerve - V3. Note that these three nerves emerge to the surface of the face, along the same vertical line. Compare the two skulls on the left : One is an Adult skull, the second one is a Fetal skull (six months intra-uterine). Note the proportions of the three levels of the face on both skulls : Lower face (Mandible) Middle face (Maxilla) Upper face (frontal region) With the emergence of primary & permanent dentition, and the development of maxillary sinuses & alveolar processes, the vertical dimension of the face increases. On the adult skull, the three foramina: Supra-orbital, infra-orbital and mental are for the emergence of the three branches of the Trigeminal Nerve. 1) Supra-orbital [Pphtalmic Nerve -V1] 2) Infra-orbital [Maxillary Nerve -V2] 3) Mental [Mandibulaire Nerve -V3] Note that these three nerves emerge to the surface of the face, along the same vertical line. ":PHYSSIZE Dissection Base du crane Navigation Quiz Dissection Branche montante interne Fosse infratemporale Nerf buccal & buccinateur Vue anterieure buccale Articulation T.M. Base du crane Base du crane zoom Region pterygoidienne Sortie nerf mandibulaire Description questionnaire Clinique Description entrainement Region jugale Osteologie Description entrainement tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Training Description questionnaire tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Questionnaire Region jugale tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Facial Regionnnnnnn Branche montante interne tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Internal view of the Ramus Fosse infratemporale tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Infratemporal Fossa Nerf buccal & buccinateur tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Buccal nerve & Buccinator muscle Vue anterieure buccale tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Oral cavity / Anterior View Articulation T.M. tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Temporo Mandibular Joint Base du crane tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Cranial base Base du crane zoom tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Cranial base / Zoom Region pterygoidienne tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Pterygoid region Sortie nerf mandibulaire tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Mandibular Nerve exitn Clinique tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Clinic tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Dissection tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Dissection Osteologie tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Osteology Transition 4vasy logo( 1 ) '""HA""" '""FA""" ( 2 ) ) "Menu" enterPage enterPage paintObject "HA" paintObject "FA" logo(2) paintObject "FA" logo(1) paintObject "FA" :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE paintObject "HA" }loc, isShift, isCtrl 4s_MCI, cible, chrono, s_fSonAbsent doubleClic() "retour,osteologie,dissection,clinique,quiz,description entrainement,region jugale" B) OR ( ( "Audio" ) AND ( "s7" tbkMCI( "Stop ", "" ) Play s7 tbkMMNotify ", "" ) -- Si on a click sur un bouton ou dans un 37 -- curseur HotWord 1 -- leChemin deLaPage couleur secondRang 4pgEntree, pgSortie, pgActuelle, pgNavEntree, pgQuiz laPageActuelle "Region ,"& \ "Branche montante interne,"& \ "Fosse infratemporale,"& \ "Nerf buccal & buccinateur,"& \ "Vue anterieure buccale,"& \ "Articulation T.M.,"& \ "Base du crane,"& \ zoom,"& \ pterygoidienne,"& \ nerf mandibulaire" -- on peut afficher la ( It ) chapitre "Osteologie"; "Dissection"; "Clinique"; -- Filtre certaines : ex. " lingual 1" -> " "; etc. 4vasy Conditions Buccale" Motrice" Lingual" "Complications" dentaire inferieur" "Techniques d'injections" allerALaPage pgNouvelle , Qno, Pointage chapitres pgNavig chapActuel la nouvelle ("Navigation"&& initQuizEntrainement E & Q" QuestionNo1( U E & Q" afficheQuestion( | E & Q" calculerPointage E & Q" affichage E & Q" pointage seEnter mouseLeave tbkMMNotify enterBackground enterPage buttonUp leavePage mouseEnter allerALaPage couleur laPageActuelle leChemin buttonUp doubleClic retour,osteologie,dissection,clinique,quiz,description entrainement,region jugale Audio Stop all tbkMCI Play s7 from 0 tbkMCI tbkMMNotify Audio Stop all tbkMCI Play s7 from 0 tbkMCI tbkMMNotify s_MCI cible chrono s_fSonAbsent isCtrl isShift tbkMMNotify retour,osteologie,dissection,clinique,quiz,description entrainement,region jugale tbkMMNotify cible mouseEnter osteologie,dissection,clinique,quiz,description entrainement,region jugale mouseLeave leChemin 0,100,0 secondRang deLaPage couleur enterBackground laPageActuelle Region jugale, Branche montante interne, Fosse infratemporale, Nerf buccal & buccinateur, Vue anterieure buccale, Articulation T.M., Base du crane, Base du crane zoom, Region pterygoidienne, Sortie nerf mandibulaire pgEntree pgSortie pgActuelle pgNavEntree pgQuiz enterPage osteologie leChemin couleur pgEntree pgNavEntree leavePage osteologie leChemin 0,100,0 pgSortie couleur Osteologie 60,50,100 Dissection 0,50,100 Clinique 240,50,100 120,50,100 chapitre laPageActuelle Branche Buccale Branche Buccale Branche Motrice Branche Motrice Nerf Lingual Nerf Lingual Complications Complications Nerf dentaire inferieur Nerf dentaire inferieur Techniques d'injections Techniques d'injections allerALaPage leChemin 0,100,0 Osteologie,Dissection,Clinique,Quiz leChemin couleur leChemin couleur Navigation initQuizEntrainement Quiz E & Q Quiz E & Q QuestionNo1 afficheQuestion Quiz E & Q calculerPointage Quiz E & Q Quiz E & Q affichage pointage chapActuel pgNavig chapitres pgEntree pgActuelle pgSortie pgNavEntree pgQuiz Pointage pgNouvelle CE zoom extrabuccal Articulation Complications CE intrabuccal 1 Divisions Zoom Navigation Dissection Region faciale -- Retourne la 1 re question de la demand QuestionNo1 deLaPage "Region Jugale"; "Branche Montante Interne"; "Fosse Infratemporale"; "Nerf Buccal & Buccinateur"; "Vue Anterieure Buccale"; "Articulation T.M."; "Base du Crane"; Zoom"; Pterygoidienne"; "Sortie Mandibulaire"; -- De 5 10 questions sont pos es sur chacune des dix du quiz. laquelle appartient ro donn pageQ no no < 10 "0"&no "01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10"; "11,12,13,14,15,16"; "17,18,19,20,21,22"; "23,24,25,26,27"; "28,29,30,31,32,33"; "34,35,36,37,38,39,40"; "41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48"; "49,50,51,52,53,54,55"; "56,57,58,59,60,61,62"; "63,64,65,66,67,68"; -- Parmis les 68 es, plusieurs se r tent. e nom d' correspondant au num no < 10 "0"&no "21,40,48,55,62"; "Artere Maxillaire" "12,19,24,29,35,64"; "20"; "Capsule Articulaire" "46,51"; "Corps "33"; "CreTe alveolaire" "41"; "Ganglion de Gasser" "32"; "Langue" "08"; "Mandibule" "02,11,26"; "Muscle "09"; Masseter" "03"; 4 P >= 5 P + 0.1 (P && "%") }loc, isShift, isCtrl , cible, chrono, doubleClic() OR (( B) OR ( tbkMMNotify -- Si on a click uestion poseQuestionHazard initVars initQuizEntrainement poseQuestionPrecedente mouseEnter mouseLeave enterBackground leaveBackground poseQuestionSuivante mettreAJour Flash calculerPointage afficheQuestion buttonUp tbkMMNotify QuestionNo1 pageQ question fichage boutons affichage ReponseALa QuestionNo1 Region Jugale Branche Montante Interne Fosse Infratemporale Nerf Buccal & Buccinateur Vue Anterieure Buccale Articulation T.M. Base du Crane Base du Crane Zoom Region Pterygoidienne Sortie Nerf Mandibulaire deLaPage pageQ 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10 Region Jugale 11,12,13,14,15,16 Branche Montante Interne 17,18,19,20,21,22 Fosse Infratemporale 23,24,25,26,27 Nerf Buccal & Buccinateur 28,29,30,31,32,33 Vue Anterieure Buccale 34,35,36,37,38,39,40 Articulation T.M. 41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48 Base du Crane 49,50,51,52,53,54,55 Base du Crane Zoom 56,57,58,59,60,61,62 Region Pterygoidienne 63,64,65,66,67,68 Sortie Nerf Mandibulaire question 21,40,48,55,62 Artere Maxillaire 12,19,24,29,35,64 Branche Montante Capsule Articulaire 46,51 Corps Mandibulaire CreTe alveolaire Ganglion de Gasser Langue Mandibule 02,11,26 Muscle Buccinateur Muscle Masseter Muscle Orbiculaire Muscle Temporal 18,23,28,34,43,50,61 Nerf Buccal 06,15,38,45,53,59,67 Nerf Dentaire inferieur 07,14,31,44,52,58,66 Nerf Lingual 42,49 Nerf Mandibulaire 10,16,60,68 Nerf myloHyoidien Os Zygomatique 17,25,37,56,63 muscle Pterygoidien eXterne 04,13,30,36,57,65 muscle Pterygoidien iNterne Trou oVal 27,39,47,54 articulation Temporo-Mandibulair affichage score Quiz E & Q score nouveauPointage boutons Entrainement bouton Gauche Quiz E & Q bouton Droit Quiz E & Q bouton Droit Quiz E & Q bouton Gauche Quiz E & Q Prochaine question typeQuiz afficheQuestion Quiz E & Q ReponseALa Question pageQ Quiz E & Q boutons QPactuel EssaiNo message poseQuestionPrecedente afficheQuestion calculerPointage Quiz E & Q affichage pointage poseQuestionSuivante afficheQuestion calculerPointage Quiz E & Q affichage pointage QPactuel poseQuestionHazard afficheQuestion calculerPointage Quiz E & Q affichage lisTemp2 lisTemp1 nbItem listeQ pointage derniereQuestion initVars derniereQuestion pointage QPactuel listeQ essaiNo initQuizEntrainement {initVars Entrainement poseQuestionSuivante Quiz E & Q affichage bouton Gauche Quiz E & Q bouton Droit Quiz E & Q Prochaine question Quiz E & Q Ou suis-je? Quiz E & Q score Quiz E & Q score Quiz E & Q typeQuiz scriptActif pointage mouseEnter scriptActif mouseLeave enterBackground Entrainement moved bouton Gauche moved bouton Droit entrainement Questionnaire typeQuiz leaveBackground Entrainement entrainement questionnaire typeQuiz mettreAJour ReponseALa Bonne reponse Desole 1 ReponseALa Bonne reponse ReponseALa Desole 2 calculerPointage Quiz E & Q Affichage messageSonore Flash Flash Questionnaire Desole 1 Prochaine question Mauvaise bonne msgSon QuestionPosee Pointage EssaiNo QPactuel typeQuiz derniereQuestion message sAudio reponse ReponseALa 120,50,100 0,50,100 mauvaise bonne scriptActif QPnouv valeur Flash Desole 1 message calculerPointage pointage pointage pointage pointage pointage pointage pointage Pointage buttonUp doubleClic tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify sAudio cible chrono scriptActif isCtrl isShift tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify cible Navigation Dissection Ganglion de Gasser Divisions Divisions Zoom Nerf dentaire inferieur Branche buccale Division posterieure Dissection Division anterieure Nerf lingual Clinique Branche motrice Osteologie Divisions tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Divisions Dissection tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Dissection Ganglion de Gasser tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Trigeminal Ganglionnn Division anterieure tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Anterior Divisionee Division posterieure tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Posterior Division Branche Buccale tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Buccal Branchh Branche motrice tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Motor Branchhh Nerf lingual tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Lingual Nerveh Nerf dentaire inferieur tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Inferior Alveolar Nerveee Osteologie tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Osteology Clinique tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Clinic tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Divisions Zoom tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage AP Clinique complications Osteologie OpenScript AAMN-AANM Juin 1992 (c) Dr. Arto Demirjian -- Auteur: Daniel L veill -- Revision: 15 Mars 1993 -- Quand le livre est ouvert, on initialise les fonctions et livreSyst langue "Fran , le " &IT &" absent du r pertoire:" & &monR &"Voyez ce que le """ &IT &""" soit au m me niveau f"Quitter" "Sorry, the 8" &IT &" xpresent directory:" & &"Place 8""" &IT &""" ]same 8." \ -- Au initLivre initFichiers initAudio initVariables on ferme le , restaure l'environnement du -- Au me() restauration x"\" ) AND ( c( "\" x"." ) &"SBK" enterBook leaveBook ertoire pertoire livreSyst enterBook livreSyst langue , le livre est absent du r pertoire: pertoire Voyez ce que le livre " " soit au m me niveau que ce livre. Quitter Sorry, the book is not present in directory: pertoire Place the book " " in the same directory of this book. initLivre initFichiers initAudio GFinitVariables leaveBook livreSyst 3restauration pertoire livreSyst Dissection Navigation Clinique Coupe horizontale Techniques d'injections Causes d'echecs Complications Clinique Reperes anatomiques Mauvaises techniques Osteologie Dissection Osteologie tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Osteology Dissection tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Dissection Clinique tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Clinic tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Reperes anatomiques tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Anatomical Referencess Techniques d'injections tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Injection Techniquess Causes d'echecs tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Causes of Failure Complications tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Complications Coupe horizontale tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Horizontal x-sectionn Mauvaises techniques tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Wrong techniques Navigation Clinique Branche Motrice 2 Zoom nerf lingual 4 Ou suis-je ? couleur 120,50,100 Where am I ? Click on the button "Back" to continue, or select another section to gain access to it. Retour tbkMMNotify Retour tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify 'Retour Navigation Osteologie Ramus anterieur Ramus Posterieur CE intrabuccal 1 CE infratemporal CE Zoom Ramus Ramus interne Crane interne Crane externe Clinique CE Zoom infratemporal CE intrabuccal ramus CE intrabuccal 3 CE extrabuccal CE zoom extrabuccal CI Ganglion Vues du Ramus Ramus externe CE intrabuccal 2 CE radiographie CI Zoom Dissection Osteologie Ramus tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Mandibular Ramussss Vues du Ramus tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Views of the Ramuss Ramus externe tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage External viewww Ramus interne tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Internal viewww Ramus posterieur tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Posterior viewww Ramus anterieur tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Anteriorr Crane externe tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Cranial Base External view CI Ganglion tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Trigeminal Ganglion CI Zoom tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Foramen Ovalee CE extrabuccal tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Extra-oral Anaesthesia CE intrabuccal ramus tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Intra-oral Anaesthesia CE Zoom tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Foramen Ovaleeeeeeehesia CE infratemporal tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Infratemporal Fossa sia Crane interne tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Cranial Base Internal view Osteologie tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Osteology CE Zoom extrabuccal tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Zoom CE radiographie tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage X-Ray CE Zoom infratemporal tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Dissection tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Dissection tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Clinique tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage ^#6#[# Clinic CE intrabuccal 1 tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Position 11n CE intrabuccal 2 tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Position 2 n CE intrabuccal 3 tbkMMNotify allerALaPage tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify allerALaPage Caution ! on Clinique an Clinique "Clinique" messageSonore() enterBackground enterBackground Clinique messageSonore Clinique CLINIC :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE Incitation Please make a selectionnnnnnn your selectionn Reperes anatomiques tbkMMNotify message( "demo" ) tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify message Anatomical References Complications ,*^b! tbkMMNotify message( "demo" ) tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify message Complications Quitter tbkMMNotify Quitter tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify (VQuitter tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify Retour tbkMMNotify Retour tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify 'Retour Ou suis-je? tbkMMNotify OuSuisJe tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify OuSuisJe Where am I ? Techniques d'injections tbkMMNotify message( "demo" ) tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify message Injection Techniques Causes d'echecs tbkMMNotify message( "demo" ) tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify message Causes of Failure Osteologie 4vasy "Menu" affiche terPage leavepage enterPage buttonUp enterPage leavepage affiche buttonUp affiche image :PHYSSIZE Titre Overview Ramus tbkMMNotify message( "Demo" ) tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify message Mandibular Ramus Crane externe tbkMMNotify message( "demo" ) tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify message Cranial Base (ext.) Crane interne tbkMMNotify message( "demo" ) tbkMMNotify tbkMMNotify message Cranial Base (Int.) Nerf V3 Verticale Nerf V2 Nerf V1 Texte Compare the two skulls on the left: one is an adult skull, the second is a fetal skull (six months intra-uterine). Note the different proportions of the three levels of the face on both skulls: Upper face (Frontal region) Middle face (Maxilla) Lower face (Mandible) With the emergence of primary and permanent dentition, and the development of maxillary sinuses and alveolar processes, the vertical dimension of the face increases. On the adult skull, the three foramina; supraorbital, infraorbital and mental, are for the emergence of the three branches of the Trigeminal Nerve. 1) Supra-orbital: Ophtalmic Nerve - V1. 2) Infra-orbital: Maxillary Nerve - V2. 3) Mental: Mandibulaire Nerve - V3. Note that these three nerves emerge to the surface of the face along the same vertical line. of the face, along the same vertical line. ths intra-uterine). Note the proportions of the three levels of the face on both skulls: Lower face (Mandible) Middle face (Maxilla) Upper face (Frontal region) With the emergence of primary & permanent dentition, and the development of maxillary sinuses & alveolar processes, the vertical dimension of the face increases. On the adult skull, the three fora-mina: supra-orbital, infra-orbital and mental are for the emergence of the three branches of the Trigeminal Nerve. 1) Supra-orbital: Ophtalmic Nerve- V1. 2) Infra-orbital: Maxillary Nerve - V2. 3) Mental: Mandibulaire Nerve - V3. Note that these three nerves emerge to the surface of the face, along the same vertical line. Compare the two skulls on the left: One is an Adult skull, the second one is a Fetal skull (six months intra-uterine). Note the proportions of the three levels of the face on both skulls: Lower face (Mandible) Middle face (Maxilla) Upper face (Frontal region) With the emergence of primary & permanent dentition, and the development of maxillary sinuses & alveolar processes, the vertical dimension of the face increases. On the adult skull, the three fora-mina: supra-orbital, infra-orbital and mental are for the emergence of the three branches of the Trigeminal Nerve. 1) Supra-orbital: Ophtalmic Nerve- V1. 2) Infra-orbital: Maxillary Nerve - V2. 3) Mental: Mandibulaire Nerve - V3. Note that these three nerves emerge to the surface of the face, along the same vertical line. Compare the two skulls on the left : One is an Adult skull, the second one is a Fetal skull (six months intra-uterine). Note the proportions of the three levels of the face on both skulls : Lower face (Mandible) Middle face (Maxilla) Upper face (frontal region) With the emergence of primary & permanent dentition, and the development of maxillary sinuses & alveolar processes, the vertical dimension of the face increases. On the adult skull, the three foramina: Supra-orbital, infra-orbital and mental are for the emergence of the three branches of the Trigeminal Nerve. 1) Supra-orbital [Pphtalmic Nerve -V1] 2) Infra-orbital [Maxillary Nerve -V2] 3) Mental [Mandibulaire Nerve -V3] Note that these three nerves emerge to the surface of the face, along the same vertical line. 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Where am I ? Mandibular Ramus Texte Note the presence of the Foramen Ovale. It is lateral to Sella Turcica and is located between the Foramen Rotundum and the Foramen Spinosum... ior). or). he Foramen Spinosum (posterior). e Foramen Ovale (red arrow) in the middle cranial fossa. This foramen is lateral to Sella Turcica and is located between the Foramen Rotundum (in front) and the Foramen Spinosum (posterior). men Spinosum (posterior). . Brings you back to the main menu Brings you to the preceeding section Displays a schematic overview of the whole document, showing you where you are and enabling you to access any other part of the document Brings you to the section described on the button When you click on colored text, it activates a graphic feedback in the adjoining image. To de-activate it, just click the cursor elsewhere on the screen................ System gD|D| Directory "SOUNDS\" is not present. Sound files should be in directory: pertoire: LpoNbFA The reading of file sounds failed. Sounds in AAMN will be disabled. mess(fich_absents2) Les fichiers "*.WAV" suivants ne seront pas utilis mess(fich_absents1) gD|D| Out-of-memory! Cannot read sound files. de fichier. Lecteur invalide. mess(r pert_invalide) mess( chec_lecture) moire insuffisante pour lire les fichiers de son. gD|D| Langue Anglais Anglais mess(m m_insuffisante) moire insuffisante pour lire les fichiers de son. mess(caract_sp ciaux) Wildcards were used in file names. noms de fichier. mess(lecteur_invalide) gD|D| gD|D| No MCI WaveAudio device was detected. Sounds in AAMN will be disabled. gD|D| gD|D| gD|D| mess(tbkFile_absent) Les animations de ce livre seront d sactiv oire: mess(animMCI_absent) mess(audiMCI_absent) mess(MCI_absent) mess(demo) Sorry! Bad password... de AANM seront d sactiv gD|D| gD|D| gD|D| System rminal gD|D| No MCI Animation device was detected. Animations in AAMN will be disabled. 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